Sean from USA shared with us photos of what he has build using some of products from our store…and it took our breath away. Take a look…
Here is what Sean says about his case:
“The case is a military surplus case from Hardigg. Waterproof and air tight with a pressure release valve. It’s military surplus and was used to carry around satellite communications dishes. I managed to get it for $60.00 and it fits 126hp perfectly on top and bottom with room to spare for closing it when patched. The legs attach and detach using wingnuts so the whole thing is very portable for shows. The stand is actually a converted portable workbench that supports over 200lbs so when it’s connected the whole thing is very stable on stage or at a meetup. I am loving it for live performances. And the best part is that the stand only cost $34.00 on Amazon, so it was incredibly inexpensive. Thank you for the power supplies and distribution boards – I am incredibly happy with the performance and stability. I’ll definitely be buying from you again in the future! “
– Sean –
Want to see this case in action? Check Sean instagram account